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venerdì 13 settembre 2013

STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST INFORMATION! The role of archaeologists in post conflict countries and multi ethnic modern societies, my point of view.

by M. Laureanti

In Sri Lanka, the situation is pretty bad. Just another attack  early this morning against one journalist.
.. Is a bit scary  even for  archaeologists this, and we want to stay together and defend the information.
Why Archaeology, archaeologists and heritage professional are  so important in doing and spread information?
Sri Lanka is a country  that has passed a brutal civil conflict that just ended i n 2009. The woods are still open, as in every post conflict situation. The role of culture and information is fundamental to  enhance dialogue, to stimulate  reflection and to allow ethnic  integration within the society.

Archaeological sites often were used as  stendard for nationalisms and means to justify a sort of cultural property about the past.
Archaology  is not a tool for politics but often is used i n this way, as  toy for  official interpreter of the History they want to write.

Archaeology is instead not a toy.
Archaeology tell us that .. "  the past  is a foreign country".
And so, at one more careful analysis the past that archaeology reveals is made by layers of interaction and different social actors. So must be no claim of property for just one interpretation of the past!!

So this is just one reason for what our  work is fundamental.
Be aware of this my dear archaeologist friends!

see also:

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